The “A” Rating


The roundness, attractiveness, shape and coordination with the legs will depend on 3 things. The most important being constitution. Without it, the chances of having a great ass plummets. Next is the “A” Ass rating. This will help guide its general shape and attractiveness. Lastly the Charisma will give it the final touches, butt dimples, connection with legs, etc.

There are lots of penalties and bonus’s for this, so I have broken them down using constitution. Please note there are minimum rolls for some of the constitutions, example: A woman with a 17 constitution can’t have a 5 ass. Just is not going to happen.

Constitution of 1-5 (low) will get a -5 on any “A” roll
Constitution of 6-9 (low) will get a -3 on any “A” roll
Constitution of 10-11 (med) will get a -1 on any “A” roll
Constitution of 12-14 (med) will not get any bonus or penalty (No roll under 10)
Constitution of 15-16 (high) will get a +1 on any “A” roll (No roll under 11)
Constitution of 17 (high) will get a +2* on any “A” roll (No roll under 11)
Constitution of 18 (top) will get a +3* on any “A” roll (No roll under 11)

* – The “A” Rating cannot exceed 21.


The World of Legon